September - Maine, New York and Chicago
With the weather changing we enjoyed a few more hikes in Acadia before heading further south. Because school was back in session, the Acadia bus was running less often, but the silver lining is that we felt like we had this beautiful park to ourselves.
At first we thought this was a fungus, but it turns out to be called a Ghost Flower.
We found a family of loons on the lake.
…and a beaver dam
We left Acadia and made a straight shot through the Cape Cod Canal towards New York City.
Along the way we had the MOST amazing whale encounter! We had humpback feeding whales on both sides of the boat.
After three days at sea, we anchored off of Staten Island so that we could start up the Hudson River first thing in the morning.
More boats on a single screen then we have EVER seen!
A beautiful sight, and all of our first time seeing Lady Liberty in person.
Because we would be leaving the boat, while Jacob flew for work, and the girls and I went visiting, we splurged on a marina. It was amazing to have such a prime spot right on the Upper West Side of Manhattan to base our explorations out of.
Our first NYC subway ride
Exploring the Museum of Natural History
All day Broadway experience with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
The girls with their house flags.
Fun day exploring Chinatown.
Chinatown from above.
Being silly at Blueman Group off Broadway.
Smelling the flowers in Central Park
There is so much to see in Central Park
How many fenders are needed to leave the boat at the dock for a week? LOTS when you are at 79th Street Boat Basin. We ended up chafing through a dock line, and popping a fender. There is a wicked current and tons of huge wakes.
While Jacob was in Vancouver for work, the girls and I went to Chicago to visit our friends and family there, and to get Audrey’s braces removed! Woo Hoo!
Grampsy time!
One of my favorite activities in Chicago in the fall, bike riding.
We got to puppysit for adorable Clover.
Spending time with our family.