By Audrey


After our voyage we finally arrived in Guatemala. The first thing we did was raise the flag. Right after that we went to customs and immigration and got checked into the country. That was the beginning of our marvelous adventures in Guatemala.

Flag up We put up the Guatemalan flag and the Q flag Us in Livingston We just put the anchor down in Livingston Livingston mini fort We found a miniature fort On the Rio in the rain It started raining on the way up the river


Our marina was called Tijax (pronounced Tee-hosh). It is a beautiful little place in the jungle. Tijax has a pool, a nature hike, and a restaurant. We love the hike to the look-out tower, and across the hanging bridges, 30 feet in the air. So far, we have done it three times… and even brought our friends to see the hike.

Audrey and Lorelei with Lark at Tijax Me and Lorelei with Lark at Tijax

Tijax hike

Tijax hillside

hanging bridge The hanging bridge through the jungle

Torre I’m at the top and Lo’s at the bottom

On top of the Torre It feels like you can see Honduras from here

family pool We love the pool at Tijax

Tijax splash


In Guatemala there is a huge cruising community and a lot of kids. The main people we hang out with are the five kids on a big blue catamaran: Eli, Aaron, Sarah, Sam, and Rachel. We met them in Florida when we bought our first boat Lark, and I was only 6. We haven’t seen them since we left Ft. Pierce for our first big cruise down to the Florida Keys. It was really nice to have old friends to play with again in Guatemala! We also played with the Norwegian kids on from a big white cat who have a girl called Sigrid (she’s my age), and two boys, Oscill and Villiard. I’m excited to get back in October to play with everyone again.

lancha boat kids Lancha ride with boat kids

flying boat kid I’m flying!

boat kids in the rain Boat kids playing in the rain

The Ukeladies

Ms. Tanya, the mom on the big blue catamaran, is teaching us to play the ukulele. We are taking lessons 3 times a week and working on a few songs but the only one we played on open mic night was The Lion Sleeps Tonight. I really enjoy it, and I feel like I’m getting better fast! I even played an open mic night by myself once (my mom was too nervous to do a duet with me).

Ukeladies The Ukeladies

open mic Me at open mic

The Boat Painting

Right now, our boat is being painted and we moved off and into a little cabin in the jungle. It has two bedrooms, a bathroom (that’s really easy to get locked inside), a kitchen and screen porch. It also has a pool and a sweet puppy (that unfortunately may have a skin disease)!

Lark paint Lark gets painted

la cabina Our cabin