Dias de los Tres Reyes
We went to a Three Kings Day (Dias de los Tres Reyes) party, and it was fun. We did it at a cool park that was like a jungle. You could climb on all the statues and trees, nothing was off limits! For the party we had a cake with ten little baby Jesus statues in it. Each family who got a baby in their slice was honored, which means they have to make the tamales for February 2nd (a follow up to 3 Kings Day). A Mexican friend told us that all the dried fruit on the cake represented the jewels that the Three Wise Men brought to Baby Jesus. Lorelei and I both got little babies. Instead of making tamales someone mentioned it might be okay to just make one of our traditional dishes. We’re probably just going to make mashed potatoes because Mom says pierogi are too hard. Now tonight were going to put our shoes out and the Three Kings will come and put presents in them. That was a fun first Dia de los Tres Reyes!
We cut the cake in age order, youngest first. This little girls was our youngest, and she was 2.
This is just part of our group. There were lots of families there!