Florida Visit by Audrey
Flying from St. Martin to Florida
We went back to Florida to visit GranMiri and Papa and either sell or ship the stuff in our storage locker. While we were there we went to Ponce Light House. Lorelei and GranMiri played in the park while Papa and I went up to the top of the Light House. We also went kayaking with Papa. We had a sleepover and painted rocks too! I made a strawberry and a pig! it was a fun visit!
My great grandma also lives in Florida and we got to see her lots too.
Lorelei and I got to take some camps. This is GranMiri picking me up from Critter Camp.
We also spent time with our cousins Will and Jack! They spent the night at our apartment, and we spent the night at their house.
This is me in Ft. Pierce where we first lived with our boat.