5/29 progress
I did some research on shipping 18 30x20x13 bins. First I called PODS. Their smallest unit is 7x7x8 and they quoted $2600 to go to Ft Pierce from Superior. Crazy! Then I called Pack Rat and they quoted $4800! And I thought $2600 was bad. As much as I dislike Uhaul, they have something called a Ubox which is 8x7.5x5 and they quoted $1300. But I sat down and did the math, I realized that with our boxes, we would fill the Ubox less than half-way. And I'd still need to move the Jeep.
So I went back to UShip, which we used to move the Outback and all our stuff from Alaska, as well as shipping out several of the items for which we needed to find homes during this process over the past year. They said that at a price of $1250 it would be very likely that our bins and Jeep could all be shipped. Why didn't I just start there? So hopefully someone bites on my listing over there.
Things are moving along...