I spent about 30 minutes on the phone this morning (while driving, and handing the girls graham crackers in the backseat in order to keep them quiet...thank goodness for hands free telephones!). We are thinking of re-financing our house, but aren't sure if it will be worth it considering we are most likely selling it next summer. I'm getting so exciting about starting our adventure, but still the thought of leaving our beautiful spot in Nederland is hard to imagine.

The rest of the morning was spent at the YMCA. I got to work out, Yeah! Afterwards I took the girls to the pool there. They are both getting so brave in the water! Audrey is constantly saying 'watch this mom' as she sticks her head in the water. She comes up gasping for breath grinning from ear to ear. Thankfully she is getting smarter about were she does this. A few weeks ago while at the Old Town Hot springs in Steamboat Springs, she was so excited to show off for Uncle Paul that she slammed her face into one of the pool steps. Ouch! I honestly thought she broke her nose for a minute. Once it was iced though, the swelling went down, and she never got a black eye.

Lorelei is a little too brave for her own good too. She, just like her big sister, will say 'watch this mama' and then throw herself off the edge, expecting me to catch her. If for some reason I'm not watching, she just starts to sink. You would think she would learn! I guess she realizes I'm the one who has learned...I just can't take my eyes off of her for a second.

she has taken to striking a pose when I ask her to say cheese

Audrey got her 1st email from a friend a week ago (to my email address), so cute. Today she decided she wanted to write her back the old fashion way. I helped with the spelling, but the sentence structure was all her. I'm SO proud! Even the little drawing is beautiful. She is such a smart, creative little girl!